Naturopathic tea thyroid Lewin Naturopathy


Meet Madeleine. HEaler, herb enthusiast, crafter of teas + potions & founder of Lewin naturopathy.


About Lewin Naturopathy

Blending a passion for nature, science, herbal medicine, and intuitive healing, Lewin Naturopathy provides holistic support that extends well beyond treatment plans and herbal remedies. We get to the root of imbalance by taking into consideration all levels of the mind, body and soul, and also utilise the latest in functional testing. Auto-immunity, nutritional deficiencies, trauma and stress are common occurances that can cause low vitality, weight gain, low energy and brain fog. We give you clarity in understanding what is happening in your body and teach you about what your body needs. Your journey back to health, happiness and healing shouldn’t feel daunting or restrictive… It is designed to be fun, fueled by self-love and empowering you with the tools you need to create results that last a lifetime.


Our goal is to empower others to live a life of passion, purpose & joy by facilitating connection back to the self, the body & Mother Nature.

We put LOVE at the core of everything we do – Self-love, combined with education and solid daily rituals are the keys to healing. Madeleine, helps her clients reconnect with themselves and facilitates the relearning of our innate wisdom. Her goal is to make healing more fun, enjoyable and accessible in the modern age.

Naturopathic tea thyroid Lewin Naturopathy

Lewin Naturopathy Offers:

Lewin Online Tea Shop & Apothecary (World-wide)

Herbal Tea Making Workshops (Byron Bay, NSW)

Market Stalls (Gold Coast, QLD & Northern Rivers, NSW)

1:1 Online Naturopathic Consultations (World-wide)


Find us on Instagram



Madeleine’s Story:

Throughout my childhood and teen years I had never heard of Naturopathy. It was only until I was repeatedly unwell as a teenager that my step mother decided to take me to go and see one. I had repeated bouts of tonsillitis, low energy, skin rashes and a low mood. I was prescribed antibiotics time and time again by doctors and was only seeming to get sicker.

Feeling pretty let down by conventional medicine, I felt as though I had nothing left to lose by going to see a Naturopath. I remember feeling so heard and was impressed at the time she took with me to really hear me and to get the bottom of my symptoms. She sent me off for tests and found out that I actually had glandular fever and an auto-immune thyroid condition (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). She made me feel empowered and taught me so much about my health. Within a few weeks, I was already feeling more myself than I had in a year! The treatment plan she gave me allowed me to overcome this condition and to go further towards attaining my best possible state of health. The knowledge she imparted allowed me to not only understand and assist in healing myself at the time, but to better myself in the future.

After finishing high school, one day I had the epiphany that I wanted help people just as this inspiring woman had helped me. I could not think of a better job than one that helps people live healthier, happier lives! The next semester I was enrolled in a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) and now I am 7 years into clinical practice and have never looked back!